Pannonian basin

O&GD Central Ltd. (OGD) is a subsidiary of Sand Hill Petroleum BV (a Dutch corporation). OGD holds the 2,440 sqkm Körös Exploration License and the Mezőtúr V.,Tiszakécske I., Szolnok V., Szolnok VI., Örményes I., Kisújszállás I., Dévaványa II., Dévaványa III., Túrkeve III., Túrkeve IV., Endrőd II., Ecsegfalva II. and Penészlek II. Production Licenses (total area 268 sqkm).

During the 2nd concession bid round – launched by the Ministry of National Development in June 2014 – OGD was awarded two areas: Nádudvar and Újléta.

OGD participated in the 3rd concession bid round launched by the Ministry in April 2015 and was awarded four concessions: Berettyóújfalu, Mogyoród, Nagykáta and Ócsa.

The duration of the hydrocarbon concessions is twenty years from the entry into force of the contracts; this may be extended once for a maximum of ten years. The exploration period is four years long and can be extended once for a maximum of two years.

pannonian map

Current Concessions

(in alphabetical order)

(awarded in 2016)

The 800 km2 (cca 200,000 acres) Berettyóújfalu concession area is located in Hungary ca. 180 km to the East from Budapest and to the south from two other OGD license areas (Nádudvar and Újléta). To December 2017, five wells have been drilled.

Körös (acquired in 2013)

The 2,440 km2 (cca 600,000 acres) Körös exploration area is located ca. 100 km to the South East from Budapest, the capital of Hungary. To December 2017, 664 km2 3D, 167 km 2D seismic survey was carried out and 9 wells have been drilled.

Mogyoród (awarded in 2016)

The 545 sqkm (cca 135,000 acres) Mogyoród concession area is ca. 20 km North East from Budapest.

Nádudvar (awarded in 2015)

The 800 km2 (200,000 acres) Nádudvar concession area is located on the Northern part of the Great Hungarian Plain in one of the Eastern regions of Hungary, ca. 150 km East from Budapest. To December 2017, 1 well has been drilled, 250 km 2D was reprocessed and 263 km new 2D seismic survey was carried out.

Nagykáta (awarded in 2016)

The Nagykáta Concession covers an area of cca 555 km2 (cca 138,000 acres) and it is ca. 60 km to the East from Budapest. First exploration well was drilled in October, 2017.

Ócsa (awarded in 2016)

The Ócsa Concession covers an area of cca 600 km2 (cca 149,000 acres). The area is close to the metropolitan area of Budapest, it is located ca. 10 km to the South East from the capital city.

Újléta (awarded in 2015)

The 800 km2 (cca 200,000 acres) Újléta concession area is located ca. 250 km to the East from Budapest. To December 2017, 360 km2 3D was reprocessed, 4 wells have been drilled.

Romanian Exploration Permits

After the assignment of a majority participating interest in blocks E X-1 and E X-5 in Romania, in December, 2016 SHP Romania S.R.L. was approved as operator by NAMR, with Panfora SRL (a subsidiary of MOL) as a partner in the projects. Over the next years the Joint Venture is planning to acquire and process 3D seismic surveys and undertake an exploration drilling program.

EX-1 Voivozi (awarded in the 10th Romanian License Round)

The ca. 1,115 km2 (275,000 acres) concession area is located in the Western Part of Romania and based in the Pannonian Basin. The block is just across the Romanian-Hungarian border from the SHP operated Újléta Concession in Hungary, where the company successfully drilled several exploration wells in 2017 and already started to produce natural gas.

SHP Romania as operator is planning to shoot a larger 3D seismic survey and drill several exploration wells based on the results of the seismic program.

EX-5 Adea (awarded in the 10th Romanian License Round)

The ca. 1,100 sqkm (270,000 acres) concession area is located in the Western Part of Romania, in the South-Eastern part of the Pannonian Basin.

SHP Romania as operator is planning to drill its first exploration well in the area in 2018 as well as complete a larger 3D seismic program.

Transylvanian Basin Prospecting Permits

In January, 2015, SHP Romania S.R.L. was awarded 5 prospecting permits by the Romanian National Agency for Mineral Resources. The Romanian prospecting permits grant the right to Sand Hill Petroleum Romania S.R.L. to conduct exploration activities within the defined blocks. Exploration work in the Transylvanian Basin commenced during 2015. The permit names are: Transilvania Est 1, Transilvania Est 2, Transilvania Est 3, Transilvania Vest 1, and Transilvania Vest 2. The Final Report was submitted to NAMR in December 2016.